Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New wheel, Edammertje, it really works well!!

I have been on a journey of downsizing my wheels for economic reasons, i have two left the norwegian princess which i am selling and a little antique german wheel. So knowing i was selling my wheels i thought i would get an inexpensive wheel to use for now and for demos. I bought an antique dutch wheel that was really wonderful looking in the pics, but as sometimes happens the wheel was not what it was said to be, an honest mistake on the dealers part, but well so disappointing.
So i have a new old stock Edammertje, wow, a great wheel for the price.. These wheels were made as competition for the louet, and look very similar, they can be seen on ebay on auctions used. I think they are meant for a finer yarn than the original louets. I have an agreement with a dutch wheel dealer to import a few of these wheels. New in the box. I am also delighted that i can color my wheel any way i want, i think i am going to use aniline dyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,
I *HAVE* one of these! I really am coming to like it much more than I did at first, as my spinning gets a little better, time by time. I'm looking for bobbins for this you have any suggestions for where I might find them? I didn't even know these were still being made. I thought I was surely out of luck.
Would love to hear from you!
Diane (PA)
P.S. I'm dplantlady on Ravelry, if you're on there, if not, I'll check back here at some point.

Hi, there

Hi, there