Saturday, September 6, 2008

wool drying

dye pots brewing

dry & dye day

the sun is out & so the pressure is on to get the wool washed & dryed, and get some dyeing in as well. It would be nice to take a time and just sit, but the summer is back for just awhile and i am so pumped about the idea of all the wool getting washed that is currenly in boxes in the basement, the numbers are low, i can almost see the finish line.
today saw some lovely gulf coast wool drying on the racks, also really nice border leicester, a beautiful sunny brown shetland, and then the rotation occured and some alpaca came out to dry.
Meanwhile i had set some kettles to going and dorset had been soaking to make sock kits. I have read that dorset makes a nice springy resilent yarn for socks, and as this particular fleece is not feltable i thought it would really make very practical sock wool. So some interesting colors, changing dye brands has thrown me a bit, i guess i have too much vinegar in the water and i am not totally used to the new colors i have mixed. I did come up with some lovely blues, a interesting kettle of purple and green, just not the purple i expected, and a little kettle of rainbow colors.
I have the next fleece for the rotation almost done and i think i can catch my breath and relax for a bit. i am also selling knitting needles on ravelry, spinning wheels on the lists and ravelry.
lovely day

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

sunshine,woolwashing and dye day

Yeah, the sun is out and the weather is on the upswing, the wool i decided to leave out last night is you guessed it, damp. Forgot about the heavy dew, oh well the rambouillet is in the basket waiting to get dried. I have a very nice border leicester in the wash along with lingerie bags of wool for me. Hmm, yeah no shortage there.
I hope, weather being what it is, that soon the basement will be free of unwashed wool. That day i am having a sale to celebrate. Today i will be getting out the dye and have some fun, i have wool and handspun soaking, waiting for the magic to begin. Now to pick another fleece to dye.
Will post pics of progress later, katrina
well turns out today isn't going to be dye day after all, hopefully tomorrow, today i'm recharging my battery instead. later

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

another day, and i keep on plugging away

it is tuesday the 2nd of sept. and i still have two wheels to sell. Will post the pics here, they are a Bea Klassic, it is a dutch wheel with flyer brake, and three large bobbins, a removalbe kate, and a niddy noddy and a skein winder.
The other wheel that needs to find a new home is the Norwegian Princess, a really lovely wheel, nice accent of darker wood or varnish on the maidens. It has 5 bobbins will spin medium and fine but really likes fine. 420.00. Both are plus shipping.
It is another day another dollar kind of time, i do get tired of the constant need to make money and today my body is telling me to slow down. I am also washing a really soft fleece that is very dirty, it may end up going to the curb.. Meanwhile i have some lovely wool drying outside, an outstanding merino cross, and a fleec that i think is a corriedale.tarhee cross, whatever it is, it is written on the file, it is very soft.
Tomorrow i hope to have my own personal dye day, well actually wednesday and thursday, the weather is supposed to be nice, so the wool washing will continue, and it is so nice to dye outside and also get some fresh air at the same time.
I keep thinking yes, life is an adventure, keep it positive, enjoy the moment.

Hi, there

Hi, there