Wednesday, September 3, 2008

sunshine,woolwashing and dye day

Yeah, the sun is out and the weather is on the upswing, the wool i decided to leave out last night is you guessed it, damp. Forgot about the heavy dew, oh well the rambouillet is in the basket waiting to get dried. I have a very nice border leicester in the wash along with lingerie bags of wool for me. Hmm, yeah no shortage there.
I hope, weather being what it is, that soon the basement will be free of unwashed wool. That day i am having a sale to celebrate. Today i will be getting out the dye and have some fun, i have wool and handspun soaking, waiting for the magic to begin. Now to pick another fleece to dye.
Will post pics of progress later, katrina
well turns out today isn't going to be dye day after all, hopefully tomorrow, today i'm recharging my battery instead. later

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