Wednesday, August 27, 2008

making progress

well it has been awhile since i have worked on this, i have sold and shipped 5 spinning wheels, i have probable sales on two more, which leaves two to go. I will be very happy to be done with selling my wheels.
I am expecting a "new" spinning wheel in a couple of weeks, it is an 80 yr old wheel that is from the netherlands and hopefully it spins as well as it looks, and i sure hope some of my old bobbins will fit on this wheel. Someday i will again look for a multi tasker wheel, but for now the anitque wheels are just fine.
I am in the process of washing, drying and dyeing the wool. I have wool in various stages outside drying and boy am i glad to see blue sky, i so want to get all my wool washed. I realized yesterday just how tired i am, and how much my body needs to take a break. So i did try to slow down yesterday afternoon and evening, i ended up skeining some yarn that i bought in cones for sale and for me to dye.
I am going to be sampling some wool for feltability (or the lack of) today, i have an order for a lb of non felting cheviot, and as i have learned you never know.
Check out for pics of the wheels i have for sale.

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Hi, there

Hi, there